Newsletter: Winter 2009


The Board of Directors is proud to announce that the front entryway sign we have been saving and planning for over the last couple of years has come to fruition and is now in place at the intersection of Woodscape Drive and McKown Road.  Based on the feedback from the Woodscape residents who have voiced their opinions, it’s overly apparent that the major majority of our residents are pleased with the final results.

 As stated in the last couple of annual meetings, we were expecting to incur total costs of up to $7000 to replace the original sign. This fall, a couple of the current board members gathered several bids from both local vendors and others from as far away as Pennsylvania. The bids were relatively comparable in price when all things were considered: sign, installation, disposal, and electrician. The bid that was chosen unanimously by the board was from a company named Design Functions from Queensbury. The final total cost of the sign was $4834.05.

 In addition to the low replacement cost, the design selected uses LED back-lighting. Design Functions has indicated that the lights should last about 20 years and use quite a bit less electricity than the previous incandescent lights. This should add a couple of hundred dollars of additional savings annually as we no longer need to manage bulbs and will be using less energy.

There were a number of common-area trees damaged from the recent ice storm. Some of the trees fell on individual homeowner’s properties. We have had to hire a local tree service to cut and remove the trees. I walked the perimeters of most, but not all, of the association property to survey the damage. We believe we have spoken to each of the homeowners who have HOA trees in their yard. If you have a tree on your property and have not discussed it with the board, please contact us ASAP.

There were no replies for our request for a pro-bono tax preparer. So, we are using the same CPA firm that previously did our taxes (but are now charging us $500) to finish the 2007-2008 taxes.

Woodscape resident Mark Malone from Malone and Sons Landscaping is offering discount prices to Woodscape residents for snow plowing and removal. If interested, please contact Mark at 489-2093.

The board will be reviewing several competitive bids received from area landscapers. We should make a selection before the end of January.

Please remember to submit an Exterior Change Request Form for any of your spring home renovations. The form can be printed from our website via