Fall 2010 Newsletter
Greetings Woodscape Neighbors! We hope you find this Newsletter helpful.
The Woodscape Homeowners Association Annual Meeting was held as planned on June 8, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Express. Subsequent to our Annual Meeting, elected Board members Barbara Kearney and Ben Weaver resigned. The current Board Members, from July 2010 through June 2011, appear below.
As a volunteer Board, we are all striving to maintain and improve the Woodscape neighborhood. We wish to do this in the least intrusive way possible. We’ve attempted to highlight the individual board member best suited to address a particular question within this Newsletter. Regardless, please feel free to contact any Board Member regarding Association business.
Pat Fitzgerald
Board President Board Vice-President
207 Woodscape Dr
508 Townwood Dr
Lisa Frazzetta
Mary Riek
Board Secretary Board Treasurer
202 Woodscape Dr
243 Woodscape Drive
H: 453-1519
Tina Fitzgerald
Board Member
207 Woodscape Dr
Woodscape Landscape Committee Formed
Based on various homeowners’ comments during the June 2010 Annual Meeting regarding the Association’s common properties, it was agreed that a Landscape Committee should be formed to explore the approach to general maintenance and to consider potential improvements. Lisa Frazzetta, Tina Fitzgerald, Mary Bailey and Diane Rowen volunteered to serve on that committee. A primary objective will be to assure that the esthetic appearance of those common areas is properly maintained, including timely weeding of all landscape areas, correct pruning of trees and shrubs, and other activities to assure the general health and attractiveness of our landscape beds.
This Committee surveyed all of the common areas, and solicited quotes for various phases of work. Based on their submission of a bid, lowest by a significant amount, “The Girls and More” were contracted to perform seasonal weeding, pruning, and general clean up of various landscape beds. Their initial work was performed in early August, to be followed this fall with additional maintenance work and the transplant of two small Kousa dogwoods to locations where they can thrive and be enjoyed. Quotes for the addition of flowering and decorative plants at the front entrance have also been solicited. Additionally, ‘Requests for Quotes’ for both ‘Landscape Maintenance’ and ‘Lawn Mowing’ have been issued to three prospective bidders for the 2011 and 2012 seasons. The Landscape Committee will review quotes and make recommendations to the Board regarding which companies should be offered future contracts. We hope that you are enjoying the improved appearance, and do welcome feedback from neighbors regarding these recent activities. As the Landscape Committee chair, Lisa Frazzetta is our primary point of contact for all landscaping matters.
Legal Research & Services
As discussed during the Annual Meeting, the 2009-10 Board had solicited quotes for legal services, and subsequently engaged Nadine Shadlock to research and perform a thorough review of all Woodscape Homeowners Association documents. Over time, our collective knowledge of the Association’s documents of incorporation and other founding instruments, including the Covenants, Easements & Restrictions, has become clouded and various legal matters of interest to the Association have become difficult to address. Additionally, our understanding of various obligations held by the Town of Guilderland was not sufficient to advise our Members regarding when requests for Town support may be appropriate. Significant progress has been made in this process, and information and updates will be provided to Association Members as written documentation of this work is completed. Documents and updates will be posted to our Website, as they become available. In the meantime, questions related to this activity can be directed to Pat Fitzgerald.
Additional information and reminders:
- Lawns cannot be allowed taller than 12 inches in height, per town ordinance.
- Lawn mowers, trash barrels, and other utility tools must be stored out of view of the street
- Fences and other landscaping features should be maintained in good condition at all times
- Town of Guilderland leaf collection dates for this fall are 10/25 and 11/18. Leaves raked/blown into piles along the edge of your property will be vacuumed up on those dates. Leaves and other landscape waste/debris bundled and tied into 4’ lengths or placed in brown paper leaf bags will be picked up by the Town throughout the fall roughly on a 5-7 day schedule.
Changes to Home Exteriors
· While the Homeowners Association Covenants were not meant to interfere with a member’s right and desire to improve their property, Board approval may be required before making exterior changes to your home. If you are considering an improvement, feel free to contact us to discuss your intent.
· A “Change Request form”, located at www.woodscape.info , is available to help you to describe your intentions. Please be sure to supply any back up information that will help the Board complete their review. These forms can be submitted to board@Woodscape.info or call Pat Fitzgerald.
RVs, Boats & Commercial Vehicles
· Please note that long term storage of RV’s, Boats, Commercial Vehicles, and Commercial Equipment in plain street view on homeowner properties is prohibited per the Covenant/ Rules and Regulations.
Annual Fees
· The 2010 – 2011 annual Homeowners Association fee was set at $90, a reduction from last year. Our Treasurer, Mary Riek, has happily informed the Board that nearly all of those fees from our members have been received. If you have not yet paid your bill, please submit payment to Mary Riek ASAP.
· Three properties whose owners have continually refused to pay their HOA fees now have a lien on their property and the balances owed were turned over to a Collections Agency. This Board would sincerely prefer to avoid placing any additional liens on properties, or assign any additional collections.
Outside Lighting
· We all rely on our neighbor’s lampposts for security lighting. Please keep your outside lights in good working order for your own safety and security, and that of all homeowners. Consider use of photo-sensors and exterior-grade compact fluorescent light bulbs to reduce maintenance and save electricity. We encourage you to look into these solutions for your own homes.
· Kevin McCauley, one of the electricians listed on the Woodscape service and repair list, has indicated that he will offer standard pricing to Woodscape residents for light post maintenance including light socket replacement, photosensor replacement, entire pole and fixture replacement. If you are interested in these or other needed repairs, Kevin will, upon request, provide you with an estimate for approval, prior to completing the work.
Dog Owners
· We have the best dog owners anywhere! Thank you to all neighbors who have been taking special care to always curb and pick up after your dogs, and please continue to do so. For those who may not be aware, there is also a small dog park area to the right of the rear entrance to Monroe.
Carefully and Obeying Speed Limits and Stop Signs
Many of us walk, run, cycle in our neighborhood, with or without
children and pets, and at all times of day. Let’s keep them all safe by
taking special care to drive carefully and attentively at all times.
· Don’t forget to visit our Woodscape web site http://www.woodscape.info for useful information relating to our Woodscape HOA, Board and neighborhood, including links to Guilderland Town offices, and resident-recommended vendors and businesses. We are always interested in adding more of your referrals/recommendations to the website, so if you have the name and contact information of someone who did good work for you, please advise any board member.
· We would like to develop a comprehensive list of emails to communicate with members of the Association on a regular basis, and reduce printing and distribution costs. To assist that process, please send an email to Geoff at ghamburg1@nycap.rr.com with ‘Woodscape contact info’ in the subject line .
Thank you for continuing to make Woodscape an exceptional neighborhood!