Newsletter: Spring 2011

Spring 2011 Newsletter

NOTICE of 2011 Annual Meeting of the Woodscape Homeowners Association (HOA)

Each year, the Woodscape Homeowners Association members gather on the second Tuesday in June to discuss the business of the Association. This year, the Annual Meeting will be held on

Tuesday, June 14, from 7‐ 9 PM, at the Holiday Inn Express located at 1442 Western Ave.

All Woodscape homeowners are asked and encouraged to attend and voice their support, concerns, and suggestions. Election of the 2011‐2012 HOA Board of Directors from among those nominated, will also take place at that time. Please mark your calendars and help make this year’s turn out reflective of the great neighborhood spirit our community is known for.

Call for Board Members for 2011‐2012

Please consider lending your talents and becoming an active part of the community by nominating yourself or a neighbor to serve on the HOA Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving on the Board and wish to have your name placed in nomination at the Annual Meeting, please send an email or letter to that effect along with your name, address, phone number and/or email address to or to Lisa Frazzetta, Board Secretary, by email at or mail to 202 Woodscape Drive, Albany 12203.

You may also call Lisa at 518‐489‐2397.

Woodscape Homeowners Association Board Members and Officers 2010‐2011

Geoffrey Hamburg, Vice President and Acting President
             – 508 Townwood Drive – 518‐618‐0806
Mary Riek, Treasurer
             – 243 Woodscape Drive – 518‐453‐1519
Lisa Frazzetta, Secretary
            – 202 Woodscape Drive – 518‐489‐2397
Patrick Fitzgerald, Member
            – 207 Woodscape Drive – 518‐944‐0157
Tina Fitzgerald, Member
            – 207 Woodscape Drive – 518‐225‐1157

Woodscape Landscape Bed Maintenance and Mowing

The Board reached agreement with two landscape service providers for landscape bed mulching, maintenance and lawn mowing for 2011 and 2012: John Dupont, Cedar Creek Landscaping, will be responsible for Woodscape’s common grassy areas; and Dawn Shorter, The Girls and More, will be responsible for the mulched landscape beds. As Landscape Committee chair, Lisa Frazzetta extends her thanks to Committee members Tina Fitzgerald, Mary Bailey and Diane Rowen. As the season and work gets underway, please feel free to contact Lisa with questions, suggestions or observations about the appearance and care of our neighborhood’s common property.

Important Reminders

Changes to Home Exteriors

Woodscape homeowners are encouraged to maintain and improve their property so the neighborhood will continue to be an attractive place to live and an attractive location for prospective homebuyers. Please remember, however, that Board approval is required before making exterior changes to your home, whether or not a Town Building Permit is required. If you are considering performing work on the exterior of your home or property, please contact us to discuss your intent.
Some guidelines relating to exterior changes and a “Change Request form” for your use in describing your intentions and requesting Board approval, may be found on the Woodscape website at . Please be sure to supply any back up information that will help the Board complete their review. These forms can be submitted to , or by mail or in person to Geoff Hamburg or Mary Riek (see addresses above).
A Board-approved, Exterior Change Request form is required by the Town of Guilderland Building Department for any work requiring a Town Building Permit.

Outside Lighting

We all rely on our neighbor’s lampposts for security lighting. Please keep your outside lights in good working order for your own safety and security, and that of all homeowners. Consider use of photosensors and exterior-grade compact fluorescent light bulbs to reduce maintenance and save electricity. We encourage you to look into these solutions for your own homes.


Well-maintained lawns are important to the look of our neighborhood. Lawns allowed to grow taller than 12 inches in height are prohibited per town ordinance.
Lawn mowers, trash barrels, and other utility tools must be stored out of view of the street
Fences and other landscaping features should be maintained in good condition at all times

RVs, Boats & Commercial Vehicles

Please note that long term storage of RV’s, Boats, Commercial Vehicles, and Commercial Equipment in plain street view on homeowner properties is prohibited per the Covenant/ Rules and Regulations. .

Dog Owners

We have the best dog owners anywhere! Thank you to all neighbors who have been taking special care to always curb and pick up after your dogs, and please continue to do so. For those who may not be aware, there is also a small dog park area to the right of the rear entrance to Monroe.

Driving Carefully and Obeying Speed Limits and Stop Signs

Many of us walk, run, cycle in our neighborhood, with or without children and pets, and at all times of day. Let’s keep everyone safe by taking special care to drive carefully and attentively at all times.


Please check out our Woodscape web site for useful information relating to our HOA, Board and neighborhood, including links to Guilderland Town offices, and residentrecommended vendors and businesses. If you have referrals/recommendations you would like to add, please send the name and contact information to or to any Board member.

Request for Email Addresses

If you have not already sent your email address to Geoff Hamburg at , please take a moment to do that so we can create a comprehensive list to help make communicating with Association members easier and greener. Please put “woodscape contact info” in the subject line.

The next Woodscape Newsletter will be coming to you following the June 14, 2011 Annual Meeting – Don’t forget to mark your calendars to attend.

Thank you for continuing to make Woodscape an exceptional neighborhood!