Newsletter: Summer 2011
Thank you to all who were able to attend the Annual HOA Membership Meeting. For those who were not able to make it, a copy of the meeting minutes are available upon request to the Board Secretary. Key items of interest discussed at the meeting and the current status are highlighted in this Newsletter
Woodscape Homeowners Association Board Members and Officers 2011‐2012.
Following are the names and contact information of the eight members of our community elected to the Board of Directors at the June 14, 2011 Annual HOA Membership meeting held at the Holiday Inn Express. Election of Board Officers took place at the Board’s first meeting, which was held on June 30, 2011.
Geoffrey Hamburg, President – 508 Townwood Drive –
Lois Berry, Vice President – 405 Green Hill Court – 518-265-5692
Mary Riek, Treasurer – 243 Woodscape Drive – 518-453-1519
Lisa Frazzetta, Secretary – 202 Woodscape Drive – 518-489-2397
John Delehanty, Member – 633 Top Ridge Drive – 518-438-4383
Patrick Fitzgerald, Member – 207 Woodscape Drive – 518-944-0157
Debbie Mann, Member – 222 Woodscape Drive – 518-459-4704
Adam Rosen, Member – 627 Timberside Court – 518-438-4140
Neighborhood Watch.
Officer Stallmer of the Guilderland Police Department spoke at the Annual Meeting about Woodscape once again becoming a Neighborhood Watch community. Those attending expressed interest, so Kim Nies agreed to follow up on behalf of the neighborhood. According to Officer Stallmer, the next step is to gather the names and contact information of residents who would be interested in being part of Neighborhood Watch, after which she will send out a letter and set up a meeting. If you are interested in being part of Neighborhood Watch, please send your name, address and email address to with subject line: Neighborhood Watch.Site Issues ‐ Abandoned Property on Top Ridge and Drainage along Townwood
. Both topics were discussed at the Annual Meeting and the status of each is summarized below. Rodger Stone, Town of Guilderland Zoning Enforcement Officer and Stormwater Management Officer, provided the membership with an update on the Town’s efforts to locate a responsible party to address issues associated with the abandoned property at 634 Top Ridge Drive. This property is now in foreclosure and Fannie Mae and a property manager are involved. The community’s expression of concern about safety risks posed by the property, resulted in Mr. Stone obtaining Supervisor Runion’s approval for the Town of Guilderland’s placement of temporary fencing where breaks in the fencing exist. This is pending a more permanent solution being carried out as foreclosure proceeds. Neighbors are asked to contact Rodger at 356-1980 x 1066 if they notice that the lawn and shrubs are not being mown and trimmed, and most importantly if it appears that the house and property is not secure. These are responsibilities of the bank and designated property manager, and Rodger will interact with them and appropriate others in the Town, if and when further problems are reported. In the meantime, residents are cautioned to not go onto the property themselves.Rodger also discussed the Townwood Drive drainage issue that has been raised on numerous occasions in the past. Subsequent to the Annual Meeting, he met with residents on site to assess and advise regarding any corrective action that might be necessary, without regard to whose responsibility it might be. Lois Berry and Lisa Frazzetta followed up Rodger’s visit with a meeting with a qualified drainage consultant. It was determined that no overflow or drain blockage issue exists at this time and that future problems could be prevented by occasional clearing of debris and silt downstream from the pipe. A Woodscape resident has very graciously volunteered to do this periodic clearing of the streambed to keep the water flowing and prevent it from overflowing the bank.
HOA Board requests current member’s resignation. In response to inquiries from homeowners asking about the prior Board’s removal of Patrick Fitzgerald as 2010-2011 Board president,the following describes the actions taken by the past and current Board. Patrick was Board president from July 2010 through February 2011 when the 2010-2011 Board of Directors voted to remove him from office. The reasons for his removal as president in February 2011 were for actions that he made while president of the Board, specifically: 1.) the withdrawal of funds from the HOA savings account without the knowledge of the Board Treasurer for purposes counter to stated desires of the Board, and 2.) the signing of an Exterior Change Request form for his own property without the knowledge of the Board. Upon disclosure of the reasons for his removal at the first meeting of the 2011-2012 Board on June 30, 2011, the current Board voted in favor of requesting his resignation from the Board. Mr. Fitzgerald has to date declined to honor the Board’s resolution by resigning. Previous and current Board members, in the majority, consider his actions to have been an abuse of his position and counter to the collegial spirit necessary for the successful conduct of Board business. Homeowners with questions or wishing to discuss this matter further may send an email with contact information to
Woodscape Garage Sale – Saturday, September 24 and Sunday, September 25
. Residents interested in participating in a Neighborhood Garage Sale this September are invited to contact John Delehanty at or 438-4383. Tentative cost will be $5 per home for classified ads and signs. Flyers will be distributed to all Woodscape homes soon.Woodscape Landscape Bed Maintenance and Mowing. Landscape services for 2011 and 2012 are being provided by John Dupont, Cedar Creek Landscaping, who is responsible for Woodscape’s common grassy areas; and Dawn Shorter, The Girls and More, who is responsible for the mulched landscape beds. Please feel free to contact Lisa Frazzetta, Board Secretary and Landscape Committee chair, with questions, suggestions or observations about the appearance and care of our neighborhood’s common property.
Disposal of Lawn and Yard Debris. Lawn and yard debris should be bundled for Town of Guilderland pick up and/or otherwise disposed of properly. Residents and any individuals hired by them to do yard work are reminded that debris is NOT to be left or disposed of on common property including property behind or adjacent to townhomes or in ditches and drainage areas on or adjacent to their own yards, which if blocked will affect the proper flow of springs or stormwater throughout the neighborhood.
Perennial Exchange/Sharing. Gardeners with perennials in need of dividing in the fall are almost always looking for good homes with which to share them. If you have perennials that have overgrown their spots and would like to participate or help organize a Neighborhood Perennial Sharing Program, please send an email to subject line: Perennials. Please include what perennials you have that you are willing to share. This could become a fun community event if there is enough interest.
Changes to Home Exteriors. A newly revised Exterior Change Request Form (June 2011) is available online at the website. Woodscape homeowners are encouraged to maintain and improve their property so the neighborhood will continue to be an attractive place to live and appealing to prospective homebuyers. Please remember, however, that Board approval is required before making exterior changes to your home or property, whether or not a Town Building Permit is required. If you are considering performing work on the exterior of your home or property, please contact the Board at , to discuss your intent. Please note that a Board-approved, Exterior Change Request form is required by the Town of Guilderland Building Department for any work requiring a Town Building Permit.
Garage Door Replacement. While the Board does not endorse individual service/product providers, recent inquiries regarding a source for flush, ready to stain, wood garage doors which are in compliance with Woodscape’s requirements has resulted in identification of Capital Overhead Doors in Voorheesville (518-765-2716) as a reputable source. This company has worked in Woodscape, as well as in the Weathersfield community which requires the same type of doors.
Outside Lighting
• We all rely on our neighbor’s lampposts for security lighting. Please
keep your outside lights in good working order for your own safety and
security, and that of all homeowners. Consider use of photo-sensors and
exterior-grade compact fluorescent light bulbs to reduce maintenance and
save electricity.
• Well-maintained lawns are important to the look of our
neighborhood. Lawns allowed to grow taller than 12 inches in height are
prohibited per town ordinance.
• Lawn mowers, trash barrels, and other utility tools must be stored out
of view of the street
• Fences and other landscaping features should be maintained in good
condition at all times
RVs, Boats & Commercial Vehicles
• Please note that long-term storage of RV’s, Boats, Commercial
Vehicles, and Commercial Equipment in plain street view on homeowner
properties is prohibited per the Covenant/ Rules and Regulations.
Dog Owners
• We have the best dog owners anywhere! Thank you to all neighbors
who have been taking special care to always curb and pick up after your
dogs, and please continue to do so. For those who may not be aware,
there is also a small dog park area to the right of the rear entrance to
Driving Carefully and Obeying Speed Limits and Stop
• Many of us walk, run, cycle in our neighborhood, with or without
children and pets, and at all times of day. Let’s keep everyone safe by
taking special care to drive carefully and attentively at all times.
• Please check out our Woodscape web site
for useful information relating to our HOA, Board
and neighborhood, including links to Guilderland Town offices, and
residentrecommended vendors and businesses. If you have
referrals/recommendations you would like to add, please send the name
and contact information to
or to any Board member.
Request for Email Addresses
• If you have not already sent your email address to Geoff Hamburg
please take a moment to do that to help make communicating with
Association members easier and greener. Please put “woodscape contact
info” in the subject line.
Thank you for continuing to make Woodscape an exceptional neighborhood!