Newsletter: Summer 2012
Thank you to all those who attended the Annual HOA Membership Meeting on June 12th. This newsletter includes various items raised at the meeting and information relevant to the upcoming year and to the Woodscape community in general.
Woodscape Homeowners Association Board Members and Officers 2012-2013. Following are the names and contact information of the ten members of our community elected to the Board of Directors at the June 12, 2012 Annual HOA Membership meeting held at the Holiday Inn Express. Election of Board Officers took place at the Board’s first meeting, which was held on June 27, 2012.
Lisa Frazzetta, President – 202 Woodscape
Drive – 518-489-2397 (h), 518-469-7887 (m)
John Delehanty, Vice President – 633 Top Ridge Drive – 518-458-4383
Mary Riek, Treasurer – 243 Woodscape Drive – 518-453-1519
Geoffrey Hamburg, Secretary – 508 Townwood Drive – 518-618-0806
Patrick Fitzgerald, Member – 207 Woodscape Drive – 518-944-0157
Christian Jackstadt, Member – 213 Woodscape Drive – 518-253-8325
Debbie Mann, Member – 222 Woodscape Drive – 518-459-4704
Adam Rosen, Member – 627 Timberside Court – 518-438-4140
Joshua Salisbury – 603 Top Ridge Drive – 518-496-0948
Laura Salisbury – 603 Tip Ridge Drive – 518-496-0948
“Information for Woodscape Homeowners and Tenants – July 2012”. At the suggestion of members of our community at the Annual Meeting, the Board has developed an “Information for Woodscape Homeowners and Tenants” document to highlight important items every Woodscape neighbor should know and remember in order to preserve the value of our property, its esthetic appearance and neighborly atmosphere. The document is attached to this newsletter and will also be placed on the Woodscape website at for everyone’s information and easy reference along with the covenant, bylaws and other guidance. All Woodscape homeowners, residents and tenants should become familiar and comply with these basic practices and courtesies.
Woodscape Garage Sale – SAVE THE DATES – Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9. The annual Woodscape Garage Sale will be held this year on Saturday and Sunday, 9/8 and 9/9. Projected cost is $4 per household. Further information and sign-up instructions will be distributed later this summer. For more information, contact John Delehanty (, 438-4383).
Homeowners Association Dues for 2012-2013. Invoices for Annual HOA Dues have all been mailed and payments are coming in. If you have not yet paid your dues, please do so as quickly as possible. Please contact Mary Riek, Treasurer at 453-1519 with any questions.
Woodscape Landscape Bed Maintenance and Mowing. Landscape services are provided by John Dupont, Cedar Creek Landscaping, who is responsible for Woodscape’s common grassy areas, and Dawn Shorter, The Girls and More, who is responsible for the mulched landscape beds. Please feel free to contact Lisa Frazzetta, Board President, with questions, suggestions or observations about the appearance and care of our neighborhood’s common property.
Curbing and Cleaning Up after Dogs. Please be sure to curb and pick up after your dog every time. If they could do it themselves, they would, but it’s up to each of us dog owners and lovers to do. Significant accumulation of dog feces being left behind by their owners has been noticed on the common grassy area on Townwood Drive. Let’s all do our best to “nip” this bad practice in the bud.
Disposal of Lawn and Yard Debris. Lawn and yard debris should be bundled for Town of Guilderland pick up and/or otherwise disposed of properly. Residents and any individuals hired by them to do yard work are reminded that debris is NOT to be left or disposed of on common property including property behind or adjacent to townhomes or in ditches, wetlands and drainage areas on or adjacent to their own yards, which if blocked will affect the proper flow of springs or storm water throughout the neighborhood.
Perennial Exchange/Sharing. Gardeners with perennials in need of dividing in the fall are almost always looking for good homes with which to share them. If you have perennials that have overgrown their spots and would like to participate in a Neighborhood Perennial Sharing Program, please send an email to subject line: Perennials. Please include what perennials you have that you are willing to share. We will also consult with our landscape contractor about possibly using some of the suitable, well-behaved perennials homeowners may wish to donate, to beautify our neighborhood’s common landscape beds.
Exterior Changes to Home or Property. The Woodscape Exterior Change Request Form (revised June 2011) is available online at the website. Woodscape homeowners are encouraged to maintain and improve their property so the neighborhood will continue to be an attractive place to live and appealing to prospective homebuyers. Please remember, however, that Board approval is required before making exterior changes to your home or property, whether or not a Town Building Permit is required. If you are considering performing work on the exterior of your home or property, please contact the Board at , to discuss your intent. Please note that a Board-approved, Exterior Change Request form is required by the Town of Guilderland Building Department for any work requiring a Town Building Permit.
Abandoned Property on Top Ridge Drive. Homeowners are reminded that, pending a more permanent solution to the abandoned property at 634 Top Ridge Drive and in addition to notifying the Woodscape HOA Board at , any and all safety or maintenance issues/concerns observed should be brought directly to the attention of the Town of Guilderland Building/Zoning Department at 518-356-1980 along with a request that the Town take appropriate action to correct the reported problem. Depending upon the nature and urgency of the concern, the Town may either contact the bank’s assigned property management representative about correcting the problem or will itself take appropriate action to correct. We believe it will help expedite correction of problems if the Town hears from our individual community members as well as from the HOA Board when there are safety and code violation concerns about the property. This includes such things as unsecure access to the home or fenced portion of the property, unkempt appearance of the property, lawn, shrubs. Residents are still cautioned to not go onto the property themselves.
Website. Please check out our Woodscape website at for useful information relating to our HOA, Board and neighborhood, including links to Guilderland Town Offices and resident-recommended vendors and businesses. If you have referrals/recommendations you would like to add, please send the name and contact information to .
Request for Email Addresses. If you have not already sent your email address to the HOA Board at for inclusion in our Woodscape HOA email list, please take a moment to do that to help make communicating with Association members individually and collectively, easier and greener.
Thank you for continuing to make Woodscape an exceptional neighborhood
Information for
Woodscape Homeowners and Residents
(July 2012)
Whether you are new to Woodscape or a longstanding homeowner or resident, it is important for all of us to work together to maintain the beauty and livability of our neighborhood and to preserve our community's property values, all of which have been enjoyed throughout Woodscape's thirty-year history. Your support and cooperation regarding the good neighborly practices, community standards and requirements referred to below will assure that Woodscape continues to be an attractive and comfortable community to live in.
• Please keep garbage/recycle bins out of view from the street.
• Please maintain all grass to a proper mowing length.
• Please always remember to clean up after your pets.
• Please do not park or store commercial vehicles, boats, recreational vehicles, campers or trailers in public view.
• Please obey all rules of the road and stop signs when driving in the neighborhood. It’s also a good idea to slow or stop at Woodscape intersections that don’t have stop signs.
• Please keep your home and property in good condition and repair, including any fences, decks, sheds or other landscaping features.
• Please request prior approval from the Woodscape Homeowners Association (HOA) Board for all exterior changes to your home and property.
• Please do not dump lawn clippings and other yard debris in the community’s common areas, streams or wetlands.
• Please keep your home’s lamppost light and/or other exterior lighting on after dark for personal and neighborhood safety and security reasons.
We invite you to visit the Woodscape web site at for additional useful and important information about which you as a Woodscape homeowner or resident should be aware, including copies of Woodscape’s covenants, bylaws, exterior change request information, instructions and forms. Please also feel free to contact the Woodscape HOA Board at with any questions.
Thank you for being a good Woodscape neighbor!